Challenge schedule

02/25/2018 Competition starts!

Beginning of the quantitative competition.


Track 1: Release of labeled development and unlabeled validation data. 

Track 2: Release of labeled development,validation data and unlabeled test data.

06/12/2018 Code submission deadline.

Participants submit code for verification purposes. 

06/13/2018 Release of evaluation data (track 2).

For track 2 only:

Release of  final evaluation data  and possibly validation labels (still has to be confirmed). Participants can start training their final version of their methods. 

Participants start submitting predictions  on the final evaluation data.

06/16/2018 End of the competition.

End of both tracks of the competition. Deadline for submitting the predictions over the final evaluation data. The organizers start the code verification process. 

06/20/2018 Deadline for submitting the fact sheets.

06/23/2018 Release of verification results

Release of verification results to the participants for review.  

06/30/2018 Paper submission deadline

Contest paper submission deadline (to be confirmed by organizers). 

08/21/2018 Workshop and award ceremony at ICPR

ICPR 2018 Joint Contest on Multimedia Challenges Beyond Visual Analysis, challenge results, award ceremony.


Challenge started!

The challange has started, please visiti the track's sites and the corresponding CodaLab pages for further information!

DivFusion track


HWxPI track