2022 Sign Spotting Challenge at ECCV - Track 1: MSSL (multiple shot supervised learning)
Track description
MSSL (multiple shot supervised learning): MSSL is a classical machine learning Track where signs to be spotted are the same in training, validation and test sets. The three sets will contain samples of signs cropped from the continuous stream of Spanish sign language, meaning that all of them have co-articulation influence. The training set contains the begin-end timestamps (in milisecs) annotated by a deaf person and a SL-interpreter with a homogeneous criterion (described in the dataset page) of multiple instances for each of the query signs. Participants will need to spot those signs in a set of validation videos with captured annotations. The annotations will be released when delivering the set of test videos. The annotations of the test set will be released after the challenge has finished. The signers in the test set can be the same or different to the training and validation set. Signers are men, women, right and left-handed.
The dataset is avilable here.
ECCV2022 Challenge on Sign Spotting
The ChaLearn ECCV2022 Challenge on Sign Spotting is open and accepting submissions on Codalab. Train data is available for download. Join us to push the boundaries of Continuous Sign Language Recognition.