2016 ChaLearn Looking at People Workshop ICPR
Workshop description
Aims and scope: Research advances in computer vision and pattern recognition represent tremendous progress in different problems and applications. As a result, several problems on visual analysis can be considered as solved (e.g., face recognition), at least in certain scenarios and under specific circumstances. Despite these important advances, there are still many open problems that are receiving much attention from the community because of the potential applications. We are organizing a workshop and contest at ICPR2012 that aims at compiling research progress around four of these problems that require, in addition to performing an effective visual analysis, to deal with multimodal information (e.g., audio, RGB-D video, etc.) in order to be solved. In addition we focus on open problems in which the aim is to recognize non-visually evident patterns (e.g., apparent personality traits). The workshop and contest is supported by three organizations with vast experience in the organization of academic events, namely: Chalearn, MediaEval and ImageCLEF. This event is also supported by the IAPR TC 12 on visual and multimedia information systems.
Topics and guidelines: Workshop papers making fundamental or practical contributions on all aspects of computer vision problems that require of multimodal and non-visual information in order to be solved appropriately, with emphasis on topics relevant to the four tracks of the associated challenge. The scope of the workshop includes, but is not limited to:
- Gesture and action recognition with multimodal information
- Multimodal action/gesture recognition.
- Multimodal action/gesture spotting.
- Context-based video indexing and retrieval
- Video recommendation incorporating contextual information.
- User-context aware video indexing and retrieval.
- Apparent personality analysis
- Personality trait analysis,
- Personality profiling,
- Applications: Health, Security, Forensics, criminology, Job interviews, Dating, Marketing.
Papers should not exceed 6 pages in IEEE ICPR format and should be submitted thought the CMT system: link TBA. Accepted papers will published in the ICPR2016 companion proceedings. Additionally, papers on personality traits analysis will be invited to submit revised and extended versions of their papers to be considered for publication in a Special Issue on Personality Analysis in the IEEE Transactions on Affecfive Computing.
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