2021 Understanding Social Behavior in Dyadic and Small Group Interactions Workshop at ICCV
Workshop Schedule
07/25/2021 Paper submission (ICCV Proceedings)
- Paper Format (latex template) and submission instructions: following the same paper format, template and page count as for the main conference.
- Submissions will be handled electronically via the workshop's CMT Website. The review process is confidential and double blind.
08/10/2021 Author notification (ICCV Proceedings)
08/16/2021 Camera-ready (ICCV Proceedings)
Camera-Ready Submission Instructions: read through these instructions and follow them carefully to avoid any problems with your camera-ready paper submission. These instructions are (mostly) generic for all ICCV workshops. However, the camera-ready deadline and the submission website are specific to the workshop to which your paper has been accepted.
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR):
12/20/2021 Paper submission (PMLR Proceedings)
- Paper Format: you can downlowd the latex template here.
- Instructions: submitted papers should be around 12 pages (but there’s no real limit) in the form of tutorial, surveys, and/or novel technical/scientific contributions from different perspectives (e.g., technical, psychological, social).
- Submissions will be handled electronically via the workshop's CMT Website. The review process is confidential and double blind.
- Submission deadline: Dec 20th, 23:59h, Anywhere on Earth time zone.
02/05/2022 Author notification (PMLR Proceedings)
02/28/2022 Camera-ready (PMLR Proceedings)
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