Challenge schedule

12/22/2020 Start of the Challenge (development phase)

Release of training (with ground truth) and validation data (without ground truth).

Time zone: Codalab will use UTC for all competition tracks/phases.

03/01/2021 Release of test data (without ground truth) and validation labels

At this stage, parcitipants can download the test data and validation labels, both encrypted. The encryption key will be released in a few days ahead. With the encryption-decryption strategy, we ensure participants with lower-speed Internet connection are at no disadvantage.

03/03/2021 Start of test phase (End of development phase):

Release of test data (and validation labels) decryption keys. Participants start predicting the results on the test data. At this stage, they can retrain (or fine-tune) their models with the additional validation data/labels.

03/11/2021 End of the Challenge

Deadline for submitting the final predictions over the test (evaluation) data.

03/15/2021 Code and fact sheets submission

  • Deadline for code submission with detailed instructions (known as “code verification stage”). This includes a list of requirements, pre-trained models, and so on. Note, training code with instructions is also required. Organizers strongly encourage the use of docker to facilitate reproducibility.
  • In addition to the code, participants are requested to submit the fact sheets using a template provided by the organizers.

Additional details about code and fact sheets submission are provided in our challenge webpage, Wining solutions (post-challenge) section.

  • You can consider Anywhere on Earth (AoE) timezone for code and factsheets sumbission.

03/20/2021 Release of final results

We encourage participants to submit a paper to the associated workshop, independently of their rank position.


CVPR 2021 Challenge

The ChaLearn Looking at People RGB and RGBD Sign Language Recognition Challenge webpage has been released.